Halifax Obesity Network
The Halifax Obesity Network is a site designed to support those challenged with chronic obesity, Nova Scotia Health (NSH) Weight Loss Surgery (WLS) patients, and Health Care Professionals working with patients challenged with Chronic Obesity.
Obesity Canada has published and posted the 2020 Obesity Clinical Practice Guidelines found here: https://obesitycanada.ca/guidelines/
Our WLS Program incorporates the 2020 guidelines and attempts to operationalize components of these guidelines with a one-page referral document called the Pathway to Bariatric Surgery.
Nova Scotia has the second highest prevalence of chronic obesity and Type 2 Diabetes with comorbid obesity in Canada. Recognizing this, NSH is committed to addressing the obesity epidemic through:
- Support for Behavior / Lifestyle Modification
- Incorporation of Obesity Canada Guidelines Recommendations
- Medical Management of Obesity
- Weight Loss Surgery
Bariatric Surgery Consult
Please have your primary care provider submit a Pathway to Bariatric Surgery form on your behalf.
The current wait times for Bariatric Surgery (for Weight Loss) are available on the Nova Scotia Wait Times Website. We are working to increase our capacity to have patients seen sooner.
The Halifax Obesity Network is unable to respond to concerns regarding expected wait times for Weight Loss Surgery. Both NSH and the Nova Scotia Department of Health and Wellness have programs that deal with wait time concerns. Please have patients with wait time questions contact these programs.
NSHA Patient Representatives
1-844-884-4177 (toll-free in Nova Scotia)
Email: CZpatientrelations@nshealth.ca
Contact Us | Nova Scotia Health Authority (nshealth.ca)
Department of Health and Wellness
Tel: 902-424-5818
1-800-387-6665 (toll-free in Nova Scotia)
Contact and Information | novascotia.ca
Obesity and WLS Clinic
Tuesday and Thursday
Tel: 902-473-4672
Fax: 902-425-8292