Toddler - Public Health

Why is Nutrition Important for Growing Children?

Personal health practices learned early on, such as healthy eating do influence how healthy people will be later in life. Children are learning to make decisions and beginning to make more choices on their own. They are developing attitudes and habits that they will carry with them for the rest of their lives. Adults need to provide guidance and support while allowing children to think for themselves.

You and your toddler both have a job to do.

It is your job to decide:

  • What foods you will offer to your child?
    • It is your job to offer a choice of healthy foods at meal and snack time.
  • Where to eat?
    • Sit down together for meals and snacks. Don’t rush. Turn off the TV and enjoy each other’s company.
  • When to eat?
    • Toddlers do best when they know what to expect. They need three meals and two or three snacks at about the same times every day.

It’s your toddler’s job to decide:

  • How much to eat?
    • Your child knows how much she needs to eat. It’s up to her to decide if she’ll eat a little or a lot.
  • What to eat?
    • Your toddler’s job is to choose what she’ll eat from the healthy foods you offer.
  • Whether to eat at all. It’s up to your child to decide whether or not she is hungry.

For more information on feeding your child visit Loving Care 1 to 3 years.