Administration of Cancer Systemic Therapy Online Learning Program

Administration of cancer systemic therapy is a high-risk, complex treatment and is a beyond entry level competency (ELC) for Registered Nurses (RNs).  As such, in order to safely and competently administer systemic therapy, RNs need additional education to meet the knowledge, skills, and performance requirements for this clinical competency to practice safely in oncology practice settings.  Building on the de Souza Institute’s Provincial Standardized Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Course (PSCB), Nova Scotia Health Cancer Care Program in collaboration with the Registered Nurses Professional Development Centre (RNPDC) has incorporated Nova Scotia specific treatment and practice guidance for Registered Nurses working in systemic therapy treatment areas, to offer a Cancer Systemic Therapy Certification Course (CSTCC) tailored to the needs of oncology nurses in Nova Scotia.  This performance based CSTCC is designed to meet learning needs of Registered Nurses to safely administer and respond to the complex care needs of cancer patients and their families. 

This certification course is comprised of the following components:

  • Knowledge: online, independent, interactive learning modules and final exam in collaboration with the de Souza Institute’s Provincial Standardized Chemotherapy and Biotherapy (PSCB) course
  • Skills:  In-person skills and simulation day with RNPDC faculty
  • Performance: Integrated clinical preceptorship throughout CSTCC

At the completion of the CSTCC, Registered Nurses will be competent in the administration of cancer systemic therapy and able to provide safe and effective interventions to cancer patients and their families.

Please visit for additional information.